
2022年1月14日—Ademonstrationofthelate1990sdialupexperienceusingnearlyperiod-accuratehardware,connectingtomodernwebsitesusingoutdatedbrowsers ...,Avoice-chatapprevivingthemagicoftalkingonthephone.Connectserendipitouslytothepeopleyouwanttostayintouchwith.AvailableoniOSand ...,,Dial-upInternetaccessisaformofInternetaccessthatusesthefacilitiesofthepublicswitchedtelephonenetwork(PSTN)toestablishaco...

Hark back to the late 1990s with this re

2022年1月14日 — A demonstration of the late 1990s dialup experience using nearly period-accurate hardware, connecting to modern websites using outdated browsers ...


A voice-chat app reviving the magic of talking on the phone. Connect serendipitously to the people you want to stay in touch with. Available on iOS and ...


Dial-up Internet access is a form of Internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish a connection to ...

Welcome to dialup.net

Welcome to dialup.net ... Purveyor of the finest Windows 3.1 programs. Home of Windle and WinGPT. ... This page was last updated Sunday June 25, 2023.

Dial Up Sound

Relive the excitement of connecting to the internet with the noise of a 56k modem.

Dial-Up Connection

Choose the right dial-up plan for you and set up your Internet service in minutes! HiSpeed Accelerated Dial-Up. Browse the web up to 5x faster than basic dial- ...

Want pain? Try loading today's websites over dial

2012年6月15日 — So which of these 50 sites is the fastest? The minimalistic Craigslist.org. At a mere 44.7 kilobytes, it should take around 6 seconds to load on ...

Browsing Mobile Sites on Dial

Browsing Mobile Sites on Dial-Up · Facebook: m.facebook.com · Yahoo: m.yahoo.com · CNN: m.cnn.com · AccuWeather: m.accuweather.com · eBay: m.ebay.com.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
